The 5Ws of FromJump®
Who are you?
We’re a team with over 70 years of combined leadership development, management consulting, and HR optimization experience across multiple industries.
What is FromJump®?
FromJump® is an onboarding and assimilation tool for wherever you use apps - your phone, tablet, or desktop.
Who will need it?
Newly hired and newly promoted leaders, their managers, and HR professionals will get a lot out from using the app.
What does FromJump® do?
We get new managers up to speed to become successful leaders.
Why is it needed?
Effective new leader assimilation requires rigorous planning and a heavy investment in time, resources, and systems. But HR departments are often juggling a lot, managers of new leaders often don’t have the bandwidth to support at the needed level, and new leaders often have imposter syndrome and extrinsic pressures to succeed quickly. So a revolutionary solution is needed.
Why does effective assimilation matter?
We’ve seen new managers derail even before they’ve had a chance to succeed. Even worse - we’ve seen new managers quit because they’re not set up for success. Without successful new leader assimilation, an organization’s business bottom line is impacted. With the right tools, successful assimilation reduces turnover, increases retention, reduces recruiting costs, and accelerates function/team performance.
Why hasn't this been done yet?
We know, right? Current solutions are either ineffective, prohibitively costly, or not scalable. The seminal literature out there (consisting of heavy books and dispersed articles) isn’t digestible enough to promote action. Tech onboarding options are often too conventional only targeting new hires and not focused on assimilating new leaders. Assimilation coaches are expensive and typically reserved for executives. But have no fear, FromJump® is a revolutionary way to ensure assimilation success with the right tools from jump.
How does it work?
FromJump® is a research-backed assimilation solution. Like a nudge from a friend, daily cards give the context for why something is important followed by an activity or assignment to move leadership success forward. Don’t worry, we give all the templates and tools to help along the journey.
What does research-backed mean?
FromJump® is research-backed in two critical ways. The first is the content, which is built on decades worth of validated, peer-reviewed, leadership research and adult learning theory. The second is how the learning is delivered. It’s no surprise that today’s adult learner prefers microlearning over lengthy books, articles and videos, to keep up with their modern day, busy demands. Do you know that the average person checks their phone 96 times a day, and every 10 minutes¹? By incorporating bite-sized learning (1-3 min reads packed with actionable content) via daily nudges delivered directly to their smartphones, FromJump® taps into the learner’s existing habit loop.
When do you use the app?
Logging in daily, the user receives bite-sized insights and purpose-driven activities to L.A.U.N.C.H. new leaders in their first 100 days of their new manager role.
Where did you get the name?
We want new leaders to be ready from the get-go, to launch from the beginning of their new role and succeed right from the start, or “from the jump” as we like to say. FromJump® gets them up to speed.
What questions did we leave unanswered? Feel free to message us. (And they don’t have to start with a W or an H.)